(English Translation)


Greek. Can be found in many regions of Greece.


Guard and drover of herds. Suitable as a guard dog.

Group 1    Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs).
                 Section 1    Sheepdogs.
                 Without working trial.

Large dog, aristocratic and gentle. With a dry muscular physique, strong body and bone structure, however, without being heavy. With relatively long limbs adding space under the body. Long coat. Agile and fast.
Width of skull slightly less than its length and length of muzzle less than the length of the skull. Length of body slightly longer than its height at the withers.

Capable guardian of herds and grounds. Dynamic, intelligent, bold. Friendly with people of its environment.

Large, conical shaped. Carried above the topline, whether dog is standing or moving.
Skull: Strong, long with sides relatively level. Topline of the skull relatively level. Superciliary ridge and occiput slightly pronounced. Frontal furrow slightly pronounced.
Stop: Slightly defined, relatively shallow.
Nose: Black, moist with wide nostrils.
Muzzle: Its length is shorter than the length of the skull. With good width at its base, it progressively tapers to the nose, without ever becoming pinched. Nasal bridge is straight.
Lips: Tight, covering the teeth, with its outline always black. Medium thickness.
Jaws / Teeth: Strong jaws, well developed, with a perfect, regular and complete bite and full dentition. Scissor bite.
Eyes: Medium to small in size, almond shaped, slightly obliquely placed. The colour of the iris is dark or light chestnut. The rims of the eyelids must be tight showing no haw. Dark pigmentation of the eye rims is preferred.
Ears: Hanging set rather high, medium in size, triangular, with rounded tips. Mobile. Fall flat against the head. When dog is alert the base of the ears rise.
Neck: Medium length, muscular, strong, held above the topline of the body. Without dewlap. Covered by thick, long hair, forming a mane, especially in the males.

General Appearance: Strong body, muscular and well developed. The length of the body is slightly longer than its height at the withers.
Topline: Straight, horizontal, strong, with a slightly arched pelvis.
Withers: Placed higher than the level of the topline and wide apart.
Back: Level, strong, medium sized.
Loin: Muscular, broad, slightly arched.
Croup: Slightly sloping, broad and muscular.
Chest: Deep, with breadth, brisket reaching the elbow. With well developed and well sprung ribs.
Underline and belly: Slightly curved underline of ribcage with distinct belly tuck up.
Tail: Set not very high on croup. Its length reaches the hock joint. Covered by profuse hair, particular the underside. Carried low when dog is at ease, in action is often carried above the level of the topline, but never curled. Length of tail hair 14-15 cm. The tail must not be docked.
Limbs: Front Limbs: Straight and parallel, seen from the front. Long limbs. With «dry» muscle tone.
Shoulder: Medium laid back and long. Muscular, well placed against the body.
Upper Arm: Medium length, muscular, at an angle to the elbow. Well placed against the body
Elbows: Fitting close to the brisket. Must never turn outwards or inwards.
Forequarters: Straight, strong, vertical and compact.
Metacarpus (Front Pastern): Medium length, strong, slight sloping forward when viewed from the side.
Forefeet: Slightly rounded in shape, compact, with tight and slightly arched toes, black pads, strong and hard nails, black or various shades of gray.
Rear Limbs: Rear limbs straight, vertical and parallel to each other when viewed from the rear, strong and muscular.
Thigh: Long, with good depth and well muscled. The angulation between croup and thigh is relatively wide.
Stifle: Slight bent of stifle.
Femur: Medium length, muscular and strong.
Hock Join: Strong and dry.
Metatarsus (Rear Pastern): Vertical, straight, compact, medium length. With or without dewclaws.
Hind Feet: Same shape as the front feet, slightly more rounded.
Gait – movement: Extended strides with free and smooth movement, which is never heavy.
Skin: Medium thickness, elastic, tight, never loose or hanging. Pigmentation of lips and pads are black.

Hair: Long coat, thick, straight and slightly harsh feel with profuse undercoat. Short and thick coat on the head and the front of the limbs, length approximately 1-2 cm. Longer coat on the body and the back of the limbs, length approximately 9-12 cm and even longer on the tail and neck, forming a mane around the neck, especially on the males, with a length of 14-25 cm.
Colour: Pure white. Acceptable, but not preferable, lemon shading only on the ears.

Height: Males: 68-75 cm. Females: 65-72 cm.
Weight in accordance and in balance to the height of the dog, giving the appearance of a strong dog but not heavy.

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
Serious Faults: Very pronounced stop, yellow, large or round eyes, loose lips, dewlap, cropped ears, curly coat, very short coat, flat ribs, short tail, cowhocks or divergent hocks, sway back, weak croup.
Disqualifying Faults: Overshot or undershot jaw, entropion, ectropion, lack of tail, any colour apart from that stipulated by the standard, lack of pigmentation and missing many teeth, phobic or aggressive temperament.
NB : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.